Zunhua Wanfoyuan Scenic Spot Development Co.,Ltd


National 4A tourist attraction

The 41st anniversary of the Tangshan earthquake was held in the Wanfo garden
Source:http://en.wanfoyuan.net/news835225.html Time:2022-04-29 16:42:00

    On July 28, Wanfo garden held a prayer meeting to commemorate the 41st anniversary of the Tangshan earthquake. This three-day prayer meeting is aimed at transcending the dead in the Tangshan earthquake and praying for human happiness, health and auspiciousness

    It has been 40 years since the Tangshan earthquake shocked the world, and the disaster has taken countless lives. Although the disaster has passed, the pain left in people's hearts can never be erased. In order to cherish the memory of the dead, the Ten Thousand Buddhas garden holds a grand Sutra recitation and praying for transcendence Dharma every year, transcendence of the dead, and blessing human happiness, well-being, and auspiciousness
    In the Tangshan Earthquake Memorial Hall in the Ten Thousand Buddhas garden, there are still historical archives of the years. Pictures of the aftermath of the disaster are still hung on the wall. Precious historical materials reproduce the tragic scene after the earthquake and record the deep feelings of the army and the people. It is also the history of "an instant and forever learning", which makes future generations remember the disaster and finds a beautiful and quiet destination for 240000 souls
    The dead are gone, the living are like songs, the dead will still float away, and the living people should still live strong, so that the souls of the dead can rest in peace. If people believe in the existence of soul, they will also believe that wonderful life will never end. As long as someone misses it, this life will exist, and the memory will be passed down from generation to generation over time
    The sunrise and sunset in nature, the morning bell and evening drum in the ten thousand Buddha garden, and the endless life in the world all remind people to cherish time, life and forever! A brand-new Tangshan stands in Phoenix Mountain City. May the souls of the dead rest in peace, bless the world, wish the motherland more prosperity, and wish the people a better life